Feb 20
Bid ended

2025-005PR Department of Parks and Rec , Ballard Park Site Imp. Phase III #17520

City of Tupelo, MS (T-NR-E)


Bidding Closed

Prebid Date 2/5/25 2:00pm
Bid Date 2/20/25 10:00am

Company & Contacts

City of Tupelo
Shipman Sloan  
(662) 432-4156

PROJECT ESTIMATE: $1,000,000.00

Notice is hereby given that sealed or electronic bids will be received for the project named below by the City of Tupelo until 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, February 20th, 2025, and then publicly opened and read aloud. Electronic bids will be received until the date and time via electronic online submission through www.tupelomsbids.com.

Location Where Bids will be Received:
City of Tupelo
City Hall – 1st Floor – Tax Office
Attn: Mrs. Traci Dillard
71 East Troy Street
Tupelo, Mississippi 38804

Location Where Bids will be Opened Publicly:
City of Tupelo
City Hall – 2nd Floor – City Council Chambers
71 East Troy Street
Tupelo, Mississippi 38804

Plans and Specifications Entitled:
City of Tupelo- Department of Parks and Recreation, Ballard Park Site Improvements- Phase III,
Tupelo, MS
Project Number: 240031.00

City of Tupelo Bid Number: 2025-005PR

Bid Document Information:

Bid documents are being made available as paper prints or digital PDF’s. Plan holders are required to register and order bid documents at www.tupelomsbids.com. Bid documents are non-refundable and must be purchased through the website. All plan holders are required to have a valid email address for registration. For anyone interested in submitting bids electronically in place of a sealed bid, they may do so only through www.tupelomsbids.com.

Questions regarding website registration and online orders please contact Plan House Printing (662)407-0193. Bid Documents will only be made available to plan holders as entire documents. Partial sets will not be issued. Proposals shall be submitted in duplicate only upon the blank proposal forms provided with the specifications and must be accompanied by Proposal Security in the form of Certified Check or acceptable Bid Bond in the amount equal to at least five percent (5%) of the Base Bid; such security to be forfeited as liquidated damages, not penalty, by any bidder who fails to carry out the terms of the proposal, execute contract and post-Performance Bond in the form and amount within the time specified. The Bid Bond, if used, shall be payable to the Owner. Bids on the Project must be received on or before the period scheduled for the Project and no bid withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for the Project for a period of sixty (60) days.

All bids submitted more than $50,000.00 by a Prime or Subcontractor to do any erection, building, construction, repair, maintenance, or related work must comply with the Mississippi Contractors Act of 1985, by securing a Certificate of Responsibility from the State Board of Contractors. Each bid, exceeding $5,000.00, must be accompanied by the Bidder's certified check or a bid bond, duly executed by the Bidder as principal and having surety thereon, a surety company approved by the Owner and signed by an agent, regularly commissioned, and licensed to transact business in Mississippi, in the amount of five percent of the bid. All bid bonds must be accompanied by the appropriate Power of Attorney designating the Mississippi Resident Agent.

The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids on any or all projects and to waive informalities.

City of Tupelo – Department of Parks and Recreation
71 East Troy Street
Tupelo, MS 38804

Landscape Architect:
Sloan Landscape Architecture, LLC
301 West Main Street, Suite 2
Tupelo, MS 38804
P. O. Box 311 (38802)
Ph: 662.432.4156
Fax: 662.432.4160

Dates of Advertisement:
1st- Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025
2nd- Tuesday, January 29th, 2025